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Policies and FAQs

Q: How much is shipping?

A: Shipping is calculated at checkout

Q: I don’t have PayPal, Google Pay, etc can I EMT?

A: Payment options are at checkout, if EMT is selected it's auto-deposit.

Q: I ordered a custom order last week is it ready?

A: Turnaround time is anywhere from one to three weeks, not including shipping. 

Q: I sent you an email, Facebook message, and IG message can you reply?

A: Please allow 24-72 hours for a response, please do not message all social media channels.

Emails are the best way to communicate and can be sent to, please be sure to include your order number.

 Q: I ordered yesterday, will my order be ready tomorrow?

A: While I wish I could get orders done that fast, it's not likely. Turnaround times are listed for each product.   If you wish to have your item completed before the set turnaround time, there is a RUSH FEE option at checkout

Custom orders take much longer than my pre-set designs. 

Q: Where is my item, has it been shipped?

A: Once the shipping company picks up your orders, I have no control over what happens and the timeline of your shipment.  I have the same access to information with a tracking number as you do, there isn’t any more I can do.

Q: I want a refund/store credit.

A: ALL items are made to order, there are no refunds or store credits.  Even though I have pre-set designs I still make every item when the orders come in. If you ordered a completely custom item this is even more of a NO, unless you receive the item damaged.

If you received a damaged item please contact me within 24 hours of receiving with an image to to discuss.

 Q: If I buy two items can I get a discount?

A: The answer is no. Discounts are only offered on large bulk orders. 

Q: Can you do a custom order with specific design requests?

A: We can do our best to help with whatever you are looking for.

 Q: Can you send me a mock-up before I purchase a custom order? I want to make sure I like it.

A: No, mock-ups are sent after payment is received.  You’ll get three mock-ups sent with different fonts and layouts. I haven’t been charging for additional modifications but will be something that will start in the near future.

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